Spring Edition
Spring Edition
Tejas Turismo Reunion is here! Every year we host half day drives leading up to our main event in December, the Hill Country Driving Tour! For 2024 we are kicking things off with a Blue Bonnet Run driving through some beautiful country roads until we reach our destination in Round Top Texas.
Space is limited to only 30 Icons, there are no fees to participate and this Half Day drives are created for previous participants who now are part of the Tejas Turismo Drivers Club to keep in touch and create more memories.
Please fill out the form below if you would like to participate, you will receive a follow up email if you are one of the 30 Icons approved.
Event date: March 30th from 8am to 12pm
Tejas Turismo is open to European, American and Japanese automobiles 1990 and older. A Safety Inspection is required to participate.